Just a short blog to show some pictures of a custom stair railing installation we completed last year 2014 for Quaker Custom Homes in Northern Virginia. This stair railing features painted boxed newel posts and painted square balusters with a stained oak handrail.
This stair rail installation was part of a whole house interior trim finish caprentry project for a custom built home.
This first picture shows the main staircase looking up from the foyer to the second floor. Here you can see the painted boxed newel posts with square tops and square mouldings, the stained oak 6010 style railings, and the painted 5060 style square balusters.
Here is another view looking down to the foyer from the upper hallway:
And yet another view of the upper hallway:
Here I have attached several close up pictures showing several different details of this installation
All these particular boxed newel posts were custom fabricated for us by Mike Hart out of Springfield, VA. They feature solid wood construction... no veneers over junk filler wood, and a nice square profile on the wrap around mouldings. You can see more of his work and custom turnings and rail fittings over at American Turnings
All the newel posts are installed using the "suretight" newel bolting system... a 1/2" x 12" long bolt that gets bolted into the floor joist and then tightened down with a 3/4" wrench. This makes for an exceptionally strong installation.
All the balusters also get bolted into each tread and all the lander plate using a 1/4" x 2" double ended bolt. This proceedure adds time and extra cost to the installation but again it makes for a very strong and time tested install. See these pictures for installation details... CLICK TO ENLARGE
We have been installing stair railings for over 30 years, and during that time have tried pretty much every type of installation method we could think of, and this system beats them all hands down. Have been using them for years and years and never had a callback because a newel post came loose.
Very important to check with your contractor to verify how they plan to secure the newel posts and balusters on your stair railings! Those little brackets the big box stores sell for newel post installation are toys compared to using a 12" long 1/2" thick bolt.
This stair railing installation was completed in 2014 in Manassas, VA, in Northern Virginia. Along ,with Mitre doing the stair railing installation we also installed all the other finish carpentry for the house. This included installing all the interior doors and casings, the window sills, aprons and casings, baseboards, crown mouldings, char railings... etc. Mitre also installed all the kitchen and bath cabinetry along with all the hardware installations. All the interior doors and 1st floor windows got entablatures consisting of 1x6 with 1x2 cap and bead moulding.
Please call us anytime if you would like a free estimate for all your finish carpentry needs, or you can fill out our estimate request form here and we will contact you shortly.
Thank You, Roger Beesley